Mondays are always was no exception other than it started 2 hours earlier than usual
5:55 Alarm goes off
6:05 Matt snuggles up to me to remind me the alarm went off ten minutes ago...good thing cuz I was totally fast asleep again
6:20 Leave for the double coupon sale at Smiths and realize that I am crazy to be up this early for coupons
7:05 Check out at Smiths and watch my receipt go down to this
7:06 Realize I just saved 77 percent and am happy I went after all! Get home and look at my finds...
8:30 Take Madysen and Taggert to school
8:40 Head to the park with a friend to do our daily 3 miles, followed by some girl chat time at the park while kids play
11:00 Finally decide there is much to be done and leave the park :(
11:20 Send boys outside after sunscreen to play on the grass. They immediately head straight for the dirt. I do not care...I have things to do
12:00 Organize coupon binder, unload and reload dishwasher, change laundry, vacuum, mop, clean bathroom and dust.
12:50 Boys think they are so hungry they are wilting away, so we make a picnic lunch.
1:30 Put boys to bed. Time to get back to work. Change laundry again. Head outside to work on garden
1:40 My neighbor kindly went and got a trailer full of mulch. I decide to "help" Matt out but shoveling it into the garden. I decide that using a snow shovel is a better idea cuz it's lighter and could I go wrong?
1:43 Realize that my snow shovel sucks and I am getting no where fast. Grab a wheel barrel and real shovel. Things progress SO MUCH faster. Why do I always think I can find a better way? I annoy myself sometimes
2:30 Finish the mulch and I am disgusting. I decide I gotta sit for a minute
2:35 Realize sitting is just not in me. I am such a terrible relaxer. Chat with my SIL for a min then, back to laundry and talk on the phone with a friend trying to ease her into the joy of coupons and help underwhelm her. Poor girl...I promise it'll get easier once you are organized. :)
3:40 Kids are awake and home from school. I love this time of day. Everyone is happy and rested and we all gather for a snack in the kitchen. Homework, snuggles and stories of the day.
3:45 Judd has a meltdown because he is sick of animal crackers being his snack. I guess groceries are on tomorrow's list
4:15 I finally shower. I know...don't judge me
5:00 Dinner of leftovers...I am thrilled. I am ALONE
5:30 Head off to my job. Matt and kids prepare for tball.
7:30 Home from work and get kids washed, jammied, say prayers. After kisses, snuggles, drinks and songs, we close the doors on their Monday.
7:35 More laundry. Seriously I am thinking naked is the answer.
8:00 Out to conquer the garden. I shovel more and more compost and Matt is rockin the tiller. (Hours later he will still feel like he is vibrating) We finally get the ground the consistency we want and plant our fruits and veggies. Don't forget, you promised you'd pray!
10:40 Finally get a minute with my hubby and fall into his arms to relax. Too bad biggest loser isn't on Mondays. That would have been nice. Oh well...moving on hehe. As our joyous evening activity, we clip coupons. He has never been more excited in his life.
11:15 I am acutely aware of every muscle in my arms and back from the shoveling. I took 4 ibuprofen to no avail. I can barely keep my eyes farewell to you Monday! See ya next week!