August 23, 2010

First Day of School

Today marks the first day of the school year for us! Madysen started third grade and Cooper was introduced to his kindergarten class and classroom!
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We started out our exciting morning very early because certain people couldn't sleep any longer!
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Here is our Miss Madysen!
Cooper couldn't have been more excited! He doesn't really start officially till next week but he was THRILLED nontheless!
Juddie doesn't start preschool for two more weeks, but he needed his picture taken just like the big kids too!
This scene nearly made me bawl like a baby!
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My kids are growing up SOOO fast
I so hope they always are good buddies and friends
We dropped Madysen off at her class first!
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She got the teacher she had been crossing her fingers for so she was beyond EXCITED
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We found her seat in the front row...PERFECT
We explored her room and desk for a few minutes and then waved goodbye and left her to her first day as a third grader! She came home bubbling with excitement still and is even more in love with her teacher after day one! Oh how grateful I am for that!
Then Judd and I walked Cooper to his classroom. He brought his backpack...just because!
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Judd was a little sad and unwilling to understand that kindergarten was not for him, but only Cooper. He pouted the first 20 minutes that he didn't have a seat with his name on it. Poor kid...guess he'll be extra happy for preschool right?
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Cooper bounced right in and was one of the first kids there! He chose to be #1 (shocking) and that will be his number for the year!
The teacher had them decorate sugar cookies in the shape of the first letters of their names. So adorable!
Here is the teacher! She started out with books and songs...and won EVERYBODY over immediately!
Here is Cooper's cookie masterpeice! There is almost a cookie visable under all the sprinkles!
After frosting they got to eat them! Yeah Coop!
Overall, I would have to say day one was VERY EXCITING!
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I think both my kids are truly blessed with having amazing teachers!
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HERE IS TO 2010-2011!!!


1 comment:

Michelle said...

After I got home I realized I had seen Chase in Matthew's class but somehow missed Madysen. She looked darling! Love that skirt! Poor Judd, I cracked up at all the preschoolers I saw who like mine had to wear a backpack to bring thier big sibs to school. So cute! And hey, I don't know about you but I am going to Cherry Hill on Friday!